About us

The Anses  "Bulletin de veille scientifique"  (BVS) is a collection of peer reviewed notes (in french with a summary in english) which are written by experts in the field of environmental or occupational health. These notes contains critical analysis of two or three recent international publications issued a few month ago. In each one, the author presents a general introduction of the question, and for each reviewed publication  gives a short summary followed by comments. Then a general conclusion links these publications  and the presented results are put into perspective.

The BVS is prepared in partnership with a network of organizations close to Anses.  Its aim is to disseminate validated information useful for risk management.The BVS is intended for  policymakers, researchers, representatives of associations or contractors environment.

The editorial board :

  • Catherine DEMAILLY-MULLIE (Faculty  of  pharmacy of Amiens)
  • Nicolas DE MENTHIÈRE ( Irstea)
  • Michel HERY ( INRS)
  • Nathalie HERLIN ( Francis Perrin Laboratory; URA CEA-CNRS 2453)
  • Hélène GOULARD (InVS)
  • Lionel LAFAY (INCa)
  • Anne MASSON (ANSM)
  • Nathalie VELLY (InVS)